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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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Search Results
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A search for 'Hidden Kingdoms' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1 matches in composers
  1. Hidden Faces

968 matches in tracks
  1. Hidden Kingdoms Closing Titles (00:00)
    from Hidden Kingdoms
  2. Hidden Kingdoms Opening Titles (00:00)
    from Hidden Kingdoms
  3. Hidden Kingdoms Opening Titles (00:00)
    from Hidden Kingdoms
  4. Hidden Kingdoms Closing Titles (00:00)
    from Hidden Kingdoms
  5. Three Kingdoms (04:26)
    from Saam Gwok Dzi Gin Lung Se Gap
  6. Four Kingdoms (03:13)
    from Borgia
  7. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms (01:59)
    from Game Of Thrones
  8. All the Kingdoms of the World (02:57)
    from Poldark
  9. The 4 Who Saved The 9 Kingdoms (02:40)
    from 10th Kingdom, The
  10. The 4 Who Saved The 9 Kingdoms (02:40)
    from 10th Kingdom, The
  11. The X-Files Theme/The Truth Revealed at 10:13 (Hidden Track) (14:13)
    from X Files, The
    The Dust Brothers/Chris Carter (Hidden Track)
  12. Croaching Tiger, Hidden Dragon / The Eternal Vow (00:00)
    from Fantasy Album, The
    From Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Tan Dun)
  13. The Hidden Fortress (M-14) Road to the Hidden Fortress (04:24)
    from Film Music Of Akira Kurosawa The Complete Edition Volume 1
  14. The Hidden Fortress (M-14) Road to the Hidden Fortress (04:24)
    from Shichinin No Samurai
  15. The Hidden Fortress (M-14) Road to the Hidden Fortress (04:24)
    from Ikiru
  16. The Hidden Fortress (M-14) Road to the Hidden Fortress (04:24)
    from Ikimono No Kiroku
  17. The Hidden Fortress (M-14) Road to the Hidden Fortress (04:24)
    from Donzoko
  18. The Hidden Fortress (M-14) Road to the Hidden Fortress (04:24)
    from Kumonosu Jo
  19. The Hidden Fortress (M-14) Road to the Hidden Fortress (04:24)
    from Kakushi Toride No San Akunin
  20. The Hidden Fortress (M-14) Road to the Hidden Fortress (04:24)
    from Warui Yatsu Hodo Yoku Nemuru
Show all 968 matching tracks